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The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) 63rd General Assembly signed agreements

The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) 63rd General Assembly signed agreements with the Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Formosa in Brazil (Pa-se Tiong-hoe) and the Korean Evangelical Church (KEC), strengthening the capacity of missionary work together.

The Moderator of Pa-se Tiong-hoe, Rev. Chen Chin-Hung, appreciated that PCT takes good care of Christian immigrants in Brazil. As the second generation of immigrants in Brazil, Rev. Chen, Chin-Hung looks forward to implementing the agreement to explore ideas for new missionary cooperation.

On behalf of the Korean Evangelical Church (KEC) 58th General Assembly Moderator Rev. Lee, Yang-Ho, who could not be present, Rev. Youn Changseob, the Vice Moderator of KEC, said that “we look forward to interacting and cooperating with each other and to being able to better serve the ministries of Jesus in the world through the formal agreement between PCT and KEC in this General Assembly of PCT. The world we live in today is seriously challenging our faith. At this time, the church needs to be united, armed with the Word and prayer, defeating the challenges and rather be the light and salt of the world.”

Submitted by:普世
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