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An interesting anecdote about Tainan Theological College and Seminary.

Faculty member of Tainan Theological College and Seminary (TTCS), Rev. David B Alexander introduced PCT 63rd GA ecumenical partners to the Seminary and guided them around the campus. TTCS was founded in 1876 by Rev. Thomas Barclay, a missionary from Scotland.

One of the anecdotes Rev. Alexander mentioned was that students studying in the Tainan Theological College fought for the reconstruction of the basketball court. Rev. Alexander said that the Tainan Theological College encouraged students to fight for their thoughts and rights no matter who the governing authorities are. Ironically, the Tainan Theological College faced its own challenge from its own students who asked for the reconstruction of the basketball court! Eventually, the Tainan Theological College fixed the problem.

Tainan Theological College and Seminary (TTCS)

Rev. David B Alexander tells the stories of Rev. Thomas Barclay toPCT 63rdGA ecumenical partners.

Students fighting for the basketball court.

Rev. Dr. Wong, Chong-Gyiauwarmly welcomesour PCT 63rd GA ecumenical partners.

Submitted by:普世
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