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A Different Life - Witness Of Dr. Christopher Yuan

Taiwan Church News

3310 Edition

August 3 - 9, 2015

Church Ministry

A Different Life - Witness Of Dr. Christopher Yuan

Reported by Hwang Yi-lek

In order to respond the coming legalization of homosexual marriage in Taiwan, a special assembly - "A Different Life - Witness of Dr. Christopher Yuan" - was jointly held by PCT Kaohsiung and So-san Presbytery from July 27 to August 1. About 90 pastors attended the assembly at Hsin-sin Church of So-san Presbytery on July 27 & 28; 400 laity attended the assembly at Yen-cheng Church of Kaohsiung Presbytery on July 30 and August 1. An evangelical assembly was also held in the evening on August 1, attracting about 570 people to attend.

Dr. Christopher Yuan, once a gay infected with HIV virus, turned into a theological professor in Moody TheologicalSeminary. The key of such miraculous change is the unconditional love from his mother. Within this love, the heart of Dr. Yuan's was touched. He accepted the gospel during his term in jail, decided to engage a full-time ministry when he was out of the jail and then became a theological professor now.

Dr. Yuan stressed that the church has to stick to truth and grace both in the teaching about LGBT issues. Thesexual behavior of LGBT is sin, but the church has to accept LGBT people with love not contempt; the church shall not attempt to change the homosexual into the heterosexual, as the opposite side of the homosexual is not the heterosexual but a pursuit of holiness. Dr. Yuan used a nomenclature, "the holysexual", to advise both the homosexual and the heterosexual practice a life of holiness. It means, the heterosexual should seek celibacy before the marriage or in their date as widow; the homosexual should overcome their sexual desires, seeking celibacy.

"Instead of saying 'God loves sinner but hates sin', better we should say 'whatever, our friendship goes on without change'", said Dr. Yuan. He also reminded the audience that the sin of homosexuality is not specially heavier than other sins, like greed, lying, jealousy, adultery and etc. "It is easier to find fault with other people than ourselves. But, as a matter of fact, everyone of us needs to repent first!", said Dr. Yuan.

Translated by Peter Wolfe

Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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