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Taiwan Church Press And Tainan Theological College And Seminary Are Awarded Honor Of Distinguished Religious Organization

Taiwan Church News

3272 Edition

November 10 - 16, 2014

Church Ministry

Taiwan Church Press And Tainan Theological College And Seminary Are Awarded Honor Of Distinguished Religious Organization

Reported by Hwang Yi-lek

On November 6, witnessed by Mayor Lai Chin-der, Tainan City Government announces her annual award toward 82 distinguished religious organizations and 10 bet supporting district offices recommended from all walks of lives in Tainan area. Tainan Theological College and Seminary (TTCS) is awarded the Distinguished Religious Organization from Interior Ministry Department; Taiwan Church Press (TCP) receives theDistinguished Religious Organization from Tainan City Government.

The main reasons why TTCS is awarded include: establishing scholarship to encourage poor students to realize the spirit of love; holding campus tours to preserve homeland historic sites and visions; holding community musical concert to inspire community youth.

Taiwan Church Press is awarded due to her influential and manifold news stories by Taiwan Church News, covering ecclesiastic and social welfare issues, especially focusing on up-to-date events, the oppressed and marginalized, social justice and environmental issues.

Rev. Tsai Cheng-dow, Chairman of Taiwan Church Press, receives this award from Mayor Lai Chin-der. Another two Christian churches are also awarded the honor of distinguished religious organization: they are Mei-hou Church and Cheng-kong Church.

Rev. Fan Lang-ting, President of Taiwan Church Press, affirms this prize can be awarded to Christian institutes in Tainan. This means, he says, the church ministry is evidently effective within our city. But, reminds Rev. Fang, the vision of church requires to be more revolutionary than this secular award. Someday, he wishes, PCT could raise an honorable award to evaluate the secular governments!

Translated by Peter Wolfe

Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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