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Taiwan Christian Supporters For Tsai Ing-wen Kicked Off

Taiwan Church News

3328 Edition

December 7 - 13, 2015

Church News

Taiwan Christian Supporters For Tsai Ing-wen Kicked Off

Reported by Simon Lin

On December 5, Taiwan Christian Supporters for the 2016 Presidential hopeful of Tsai Ing-wen and Chen Chien-jen was launched at 228 Memorial Park of Taichung City. This assembly attracted about 2000 people, including the representatives from almost all PCT presbyteries in western Taiwan. Except proclaiming God to be the Lord of Taiwan, many pastors also prayed for Tsai's campaign victory by putting their hands on her.

As Taiwan is still under the military threat from China and a possible sovereign sellout by KMT, Mr. Chang Jun-hsiong, former Prime Minister and a PCT member, gave his sincere prayer in the responsive reading: " Follow the Lord God in his footsteps with prayer / Hope a good President could be anointed for Formosa!"

Asking Taiwan Christians to support Tsai Ing-wen with full strength in this critical Presidential election, the scripture of Roman 13:1 - "there is no authority except from God" - was quoted by Chang to explain the reasons why God would grant such an authority among human society? It is because in such a legitimate authority we are able "to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God." (Micah 6:8), said Chang.

Mr. Hwang Chau-huei, chief executive official of this Christian Supporters Association for Tsai Ing-wen, expressed that this Association took about six months to organize and operate. Hwang paid his great tribute and appreciation to PCT Taichung Presbytery for their hard works and good coordination. Elder Tsai Ming-hsien(former Defense Minister), Rev. Lin Jing-sung(Moderator of PCT Taichung Presbytery) and Rev. Lin Seh-jeh(pastor of Just Action Church) were all saluted by the audience at this significant supporters' assembly.

Translated by Peter Wolfe

Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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