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PCT Statement on Ma-Xi Meeting: Respect Democratic Procedures, Maintain Independent Sovereignty and Keep Status Quo Peaceful

Taiwan Church News

3324 Edition

November 9 - 15, 2015

Church Ministry

PCT Statement on Ma-Xi Meeting: Respect Democratic Procedures, Maintain Independent Sovereignty and Keep Status Quo Peaceful

We believe human rights, which are given to us as a gift from God, are the basic goods that no body can rob themaway from us. We believe a free and democratic political system is beneficial to the establishment of a Taiwan country. We propose the future of Taiwan should be decided by all Taiwanese people. Based on a firm belief and a prophetic vision, establishing Taiwan as a new and independent sovereign state, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan(PCT) issued three national statements and participated in social reform since the age of still military oppression in 1970s. This is a mission of PCT to proclaim the kingdom of God, with justice, peace and joy, will be fulfilled on this island.

Under the reflection and concern about the "peace" among the ecumenical churches, we become wary about theemerging crisis toward the independent sovereignty and the peaceful status quo in Eastern Asia area. We find the power balance in Eastern Asia is threatened by an expansive China. Be it in Northern East Asia or Southern East Asia, China's aggressive ambition after her economical success can be easily felt. But, we believe no other country can arbitrarily interfere or change the independent sovereignty or the peaceful status quo of these Asian countries.

Therefore, we have three proposals for the meeting of Ma Ying-jeou and Xi Jinping at Singapore on November 7,2015:

1. The future of Taiwan should be decided by all Taiwanese people.

2. The independent sovereignty and peaceful status quo of Eastern Asian countries are not allowed to bedamaged.

3. We do not agree Ma Ying-jeou to proceed any secret bargain with China under no democratic procedures.

"O house of David! Thus says the Lord: Execute justice in the morning,/ and deliver from the hand of the oppressor / anyone who has been robbed, / or else my wrath will go forth like fire, / and burn, with no one to quench it, / because of your evil doings." (Jeremiah 21:12)

PCT General Assembly

Moderator Zeng Wen-ren

General Secretary Lyim Hong-tiong

5 November, 2015 A.D.

Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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