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Berliner Missionwerk Blocked To Visit Taiwan For PCT 150

Taiwan Church News

3304 edition

June 22 - 28, 2015

Church Ministry

Berliner Missionwerk Blocked To Visit Taiwan For PCT 150

Reported by Lin Jia-chin

In the afternoon 0n June 13, Rev. Yeh Chin-an, secretary of PCT's Ecumenical &International Committee, received the message that two chief officials of Berliner Missionwerk(BM), Rev. Dr. Roland Herpich and Rev. Dr. Christof Theilemann, were blocked to get on board at their booked flight en route to Taiwan's PCT 150.

When the protest of infringing EU citizens' rights was given by BM, thecarrier, China Southern Airlines(CAS), could not afford any reasonable explanation. In addition, intending to avoid any implication that such no-boarding decision was directly ordered by China's envoy in Germany, CAS claimed it was done by itself from other information channels.

Rev. Lyim Hong-tiong, General Secretary of PCT, remarked that BM hadestablished some missionary institutes in China's Kuangchow City since 19 century. This time, these historical missionary sites were also scheduled to be visited by Rev. Dr. Roland Herpich and Rev. Dr. Christof Theilemann. "Why they can not get on board?", questioned Rev. Lyim, "CAS should give a reasonable explanation on this event."

Translated by Peter Wolfe

Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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