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Taiwanese People Rally And March Around Legislative Yuan Seven Times To Mark Sunflower Movement Anniversary

Taiwan Church News

3291 Edition

March 23 - 29, 2015

Church Ministry

Taiwanese People Rally And March Around Legislative Yuan Seven Times To Mark Sunflower Movement Anniversary

Reported by Chiu Kuo-rong

To mark Sunflower Movement anniversary and push the government to rectify both Referendum Act and Election/Recall Act, civil rights group like Taiwan March, People Rule Foundation and PCT pastors from northern Taiwan presbyteries, marching around Legislative Yuan seven times in the morning on March 18.

This activity is reminiscent of the Old Testament story about the collapse of Jericho city wall by seven times' march of Joshua and his people. Urging the government to return people the referendum rights without a ceiling threshold and the rights to recall the elect out-of-control, 200 people led by former Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Lin I-hsiung march around Legislative Yuan seven times.

Rev. Lin Wei-lien, Secretary of PCT Church and Society Committee, criticizes current Taiwan authorities do not take up her responsibility to protect and realize four major constitutional rights - election, recall, initiative and referendum, promised to the Taiwan people. The rights of Taiwan people to recall the elect and propose initiative/referendum are all castrated by an unreasonable high threshold stipulating both petitioners and voters. In addition, the rights to vote is threatened and distorted by media monopoly, conglomerate interests, mafia and KMT huge assets to campaign in election. These are all the reasons why PCT has to stand up joining into this march around the Jericho-like Taiwan Parliament, said Rev. Lin.

Translated by Peter Wolfe

Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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