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Editorial: The Carefully Investigated Certainty

Taiwan Church News

3255 Edition

July 14 - July 20, 2014


Editorial: The Carefully Investigated Certainty

Sinckan Manuscripts, some called it Sinckan language, is the earliest writing documents in current Taiwan existent historic records. This is a writing language used by the Siraya tribe to write contract with the Dutch. So the Taiwanese then called it Phan-Ah-Keh(the Barbarian Contract). Before the Sinkan Language appeared, there was no other written languages to communicate officially in Taiwan society. People can only exchange their ideas and thoughts orally.

Historically speakingSinckan language was invented, during the ruling period (1624 ~ 1662) of the Eastern Indian Company belonging to the Dutch, by the Dutch missionary with reference to the Siraya spoken language. To everybody's surprise, the Sinckan language was still circulated and utilized in Taiwan, even after the Dutch had left for over 150 years. Though the Chinese language became the lingua franca, dominating on Taiwan island after the Chinese had immigrated into Taiwan in volumes, we could still have some glimpses of the early Taiwan through the written records of Sinckan language which historical continuity may have been lost and overlooked today.

The second Taiwanese writing system, after Sinckan language, was the Romanised spelling system or Peh-oe-ji which was brought by the Presbyterian missionaries. Through the easy-learning Romanization, people could write and spell out the spoken Taiwanese. The shortcomings of the complex and difficult Chinese character were therefore avoided and the ability of the believers to learn was enhanced. Not only the literate ratio was lifted up within the church, the believers could also read the Bible and absorb the new knowledge by themselves.

Especially since 1885, the significant issuance of Taiwan Church Press whose encyclopedia and versatile coverage on the topics of theology, society, education, international affairs and etc., prompting the church believers to become the important components of Taiwan society and the wonderfully good witness to our Lord God.

"Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I my self have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught"(Luke 1: 1~4). This is what Dr. Luke wrote to most excellent Theophilus in the preface of the Gospel of Luke. And the good news of Jesus Christ is thus proclaimed to the whole world through Luke's careful investigation with the certainty of the things. This is the spirit inherited by Taiwan Church Press to make the good news from Jesus to be known by the Taiwan society.

Every third week of each year is prescribed by PCT as the Evangelical Memorial Day Through Literature. On this very day, we ask all our PCT congregations and believers to reflect and contemplate Dr. Luke's carefully investigated certainty to write this wonderful gospel for us. And let us carry on to take up such mission and responsibility to proclaim the gospel through words, expressing our appreciation and thanksgiving to our abundantly blessing Lord God.

Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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