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Dr Roland Peter Brown, Medical Guardian of Taiwan Aborigines, Passed Away in Kansas at 93

Taiwan Church News
3522 Edition
August 26 – September 1, 2019

Dr Roland Peter Brown, Medical Guardian of Taiwan Aborigines, Passed Away in Kansas at 93

Reported by Chen Yi-fan

Dr Roland Peter Brown, the founder of Mennonite Christian Hospital(MCH) at Hua-Lien in 1954, passed away in Kansas at 93. To commemorate this humble and loyal medic-missionary guarding people’s health in eastern Taiwan, a memorial service will be held at Mennonite Christian Hospital in the morning on September 5.

Dr Tsai Chin-fon, director of orthopedic department of MCH, reflected that during his seventeen years’ co-work with Dr Brown he had never seen anyone so unselfish and generous to the patients. He recalled Dr Brown and his fellow missionaries would even donate their blood to some critical aboriginal patients on their mountain itinerary in eastern Taiwan.

One of the most quoted criticism, delivered by Dr Brown to Taiwan’s medicine environment at receiving a medical service award from Taiwan-American Foundation in 1991, is his sad lament: “doctors in Taiwan often feel America is closer than Hualien.”

This particular line touched the heart of so many Taiwanese, and even inspired Dr Huang Sheng-hsiung, a famous doctor of neurosurgery, returning back to Taiwan to succeed Dr Brown’s faithful service for the aborigines in the name of Christ.

Translated by Peter Wolfe


Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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