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A Pastoral Letter of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan firmly believes that God is the God of judgment and the Lord of salvation and history. Therefore, even as we are fully aware of the difficulties that Taiwan is facing, we still trust in the guidance of God’s love and justice.

The former President Chen’s “Foreign Bank Accounts Incident” has caused severe uncertainty in Taiwan. The PCT understands the pain and the feeling of powerlessness among Taiwanese people. At this time, based on the love and mercy of Jesus Christ, we issue this pastoral letter.

1) The PCT affirms the cooperation shown by President Chen and his family with the investigation of the government. We encourage them to continue doing so as they encounter the judiciary inquiry. We also appeal to the judiciary authorities to be independent in their investigation, and observe the principle of confidentiality while investigating, to be fair and just so that the truth can be made public. We would also request the news media to be objective and fair-minded, reporting truthfully, and not to make judgment before verdict.

2) Honesty and integrity are the virtues demanded of all politicians. They are not to accept bribery or embezzle public funds. We strongly urge the Legislative Yuan to pass “the Sunshine Acts” to oversee politicians in order to improve the legal system of our country.

3) The people of Taiwan need to live in a nation with dignity, democracy, freedom and justice. The PCT supports the party and the statesmen/women who promote such an ideology. We are not to lose this basic belief simply because of the success or failure of an individual. We, therefore, appeal to all political parties and individuals to strive for the independence of Taiwan as a nation, and to pray and endeavor for the peace and harmony of our homeland.

“Let justice flow like a stream, and righteousness like a river that never goes dry.” (Amos 5:24)
“Jesus said, ‘The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness.’” (John 10:10)

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
Asing Aman, Moderator
Andrew Chang, General Secretary

Submitted by:PCT General Assambly
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