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International Response to the PCT Statement and Press Release concerning the Students Peaceful Protest and “sit-in”

(messages received as e-mail text)

25 March 2014 (Scotland)

I am following news reports on the occupation of the Legislative Yuan in Taipei. and sharing what I can through our own communicational and networking channels.

27 March 2014 (Scotland)

Thank you for your e-mail and the statements from PCT. I will get these circulated through our social media and networks to keep people in Church of Scotland informed of the situation in Taiwan.

Assuring you and our friends in Taiwan of our continued concern and support.


Sandy Sneddon

Associate Secretary Asia
World Mission Council
The Church of Scotland

28 March 2014 (United Kingdom)

(Please click the image below to read the original file.)

28 March 2014 (France)

I heard from French TV that something was happening in Taiwan but it was not so clear. Now I am informed, I sent your mail to my church staff which I will meet this week end.

What could we do for you ? OF course pray .. God should help you and all of us in such circumstances.

God bless you

Mrs. Patricia Hildebrand

Lay Vice-President
Egliseprotestante uniede France
United Protestant Church of France

30 March 2014 (Germany)

In the name of the German East Asia Mission, Partner of BMW and EMS and partner of PCT through the missioncenters we are deeply worried about the new situation coming up for your church in the peaceful actions against activities of the government to come closer to mainland China.

I am as representative of DOAM express our deep solidarity with your church and your call to peaceful activities. In a country with deep democratic installed rules and principles I wish you power from our HOLY SPRIT to manage the new situation. Please give support to the students and others to stand against the measures of the government. We in Germany pray for peace and peaceful talks between the acting parties.

Be sure we are with your church and all acting persons.



Rev. Hartmut Albruschat

(former Asia Secretary Berliner Missionswerk)

30 March 2014 (Germany)

Thank you for all the news. It must be terrible these days.

Please continue to send information. And we are glad to have the statement and Press release of PCT. It's now on our homepage. http://www.doam.org

We hope it will end in peace! Peace be with Taiwan.

Greetings from German East Asia Mission and Berlin Missioncenter.


Rev. Paul Schneiss

31 March 2014 (Japan)

(Please click the image below to read the original file.)

1 April 2014 (Canada)

Greetings of peace to you during this Lenten season! Hope this email finds you well together with other colleagues in the PCT.

I am responding to your email on behalf of Patti Talbot who is currently on Sabbatical Leave. I would like to thank you for sending us an update through Michael Stainton, concerning the current situation in Taiwan. We hope and pray that this situation will be resolved in a peaceful way and for the government to listen to the voice of the people of Taiwan. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the people of Taiwan as you affirmed and uphold the PCT Confession of Faith that “the church is called through love and suffering to become a sign of hope” and be a witness to the faith, to protect and preserve Taiwan as a sovereign nation.

Blessings and peace,

Josie H. Forcadilla
Program Assistant
Asia, Africa, and the Middle East Partnerships Programme
Church in Mission Unit
The United Church of Canada

1 April 2014 (Germany)

On behalf of Director Roland Herpich, too, may I say how grateful we are for your mail, for your clear statement and for sharing your feelings and sorrow with us. We do appreciate that and have been thinking of and praying for you for quite some time. Of course the students and you are in our prayers! May democracy and peace prevail! May the concerns of those protesting be taken seriously!

Do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

Please forgive me for coming back to you only today. I have been wrestling with a viral infection for a week now.

May God bless you and your Church!

Yours ever,

Dr. Christof Theilemann,

landeskirchlicher Pfarrer der EKBO für Ökumene und Weltmission,
Berliner Missionswerk
der Ev.Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz
und der Ev. Landeskirche Anhalts
Ökumenisches Zentrum

The formal letter from URC.docx

Submitted by:PCT General Assembly
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