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Letter of condolence and support to UCCP

14 November 2013

Bishop Reuel Norman O. Marigza
General Secretary
United Church of Christ in the Philippines
877 EDSA, West Triangle, Quezon City
[C.P.O. Box 718 Ermita, Manila 1099]

Dear Bishop Marigza

Recently weeks we wrote to you expressing our concern following the earthquake that struck central areas of the Philippines especially the island of Bohol and neighbouring Cebu. Little did we imagine less than a month on we would be writing again to convey the sincere condolences of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) to the members of your churches and the people of your country as you deal with another devastating disaster.

The images and the cries of the suffering shared by the media are heart rendering as people try to comprehend the magnitude of devastations caused by the Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan). Experience has taught us this will be a long term recovery and reconstruction period for your people as they heal and rebuild their lives for several years ahead.

As an expression of our solidarity and care the PCT wishes to inform you that yesterday we have sent by wire transfer a donation of US$10,000. to the UCCP account towards the disaster response. We would appreciate your confirmation the donation is received.

We look forward to receiving further information as your church and other disaster agencies continue to assess the situation and needs so PCT can know how to pray and respond.

Sincerely yours in Christ

Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong
General Secretary

Submitted by:PCT General Assembly
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