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Making our Church the Sign of Hope
58th GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN TAIWAN (PCT) Installation Service of PCT General Secretary


Making our Church the Sign of Hope

Words of response by the new general secretary, Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong

Moderator Rev. Hsu, General Secretary Rev. Chang, Ministers and Elders, honourable guests - Peace be with you all.

First of all I am grateful for God’s grace and guidance and to all the commissioners of the 57th General Assembly last year, for accepting a person like me to be the seventh General Secretary of the PCT, commencing this July. I sincerely ask all of you to pray together before our Lord for all the staff of the General Assembly Office that we may be able to work closely with a common vision, and work together with all of you to accomplish the tasks entrusted us by God.

There are three things I would like to share with you:

1. The 150th Anniversary of the Presbyterian Mission in Taiwan – fulfilling the mission of evangelism.

The year 2015 will mark the 150th Anniversary of Presbyterian Mission in Taiwan. At the General Assembly in 2010 we announced the launch of the “One Leads One New Doubling Mission Movement”. In cooperation with PCT congregations we have, step by step, been training and equipping our members to share the Gospel of Salvation, and to profess their faith according to Christ’s command to “Love your neighbour as yourself”, so God’s words and blessings may reach all the people in Taiwan. During the 150th Anniversary Celebrations, PCT will dedicate the fruits of this ministry to God. We also expect that the “One Leads One New Doubling Mission Movement” will not end there but will continue through 2020.

2. Love Taiwan - trust the Lord that our country will be blessed by God

Thanks be to God the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan since its founding in 1865, has its roots in holistic mission; engaging in evangelism and outreach ministries including medical, education, and social services, as well as promoting our mother tongues. Moreover, since the 1970s, PCT has been striving for the human rights and future of Taiwan. For us “Holistic Mission” is our vision, the “Missio Dei” is to be extended to all.

PCT has identified with the Taiwanese people through their struggles and sufferings in the face of colonial powers. We have a vision of Taiwan being a country blessed by God - “a new and independent sovereign state” full of justice, peace, democracy, freedom, and equality. This journey toward state building, just like the Exodus of the Israelites, continues full of challenges, obstacles, and set-backs. However, with faith in our Lord and through obedience to God’s guidance, we shall be able to see hope through the oppressive darkness.

I sincerely hope that all the church leaders, who share the very presence of God with us, through our faith and hope, will work together with God’s help in guiding the Taiwanese people to build a country blessed by God.

3. Prepare ourselves as faithful servants - make our Church the sign of hope

“The Confession of Faith” of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, which was adopted in 1985, states our role in the world “to make our Church the sign of hope through love and suffering.” PCT and all its members are called by God to work diligently and strive to become the genuine sign of hope in Taiwan at this very moment. Let us prepare ourselves to be faithful servants of our Lord, Jesus Christ

We thank God for his grace in calling us to participate in our Lord’s mission, despite the shortcomings of our past. May God have mercy on each one of us! I firmly believe God will continue to lead and guide us. As I undertake this mission and responsibility as the new General Secretary, I hope that together we will embrace a common new vision for a new beginning. In the future, as we fulfill our Lord’s mission given to us, we may encounter difficulties and new challenges requiring us to work together, with love for one another and with mutual support. The essence of our faith calls us to be God’s good stewards.

May God’s name be glorified through our working together “To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God”!

Submitted by:總幹事室
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