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2015 Advent PCT-GA letter


Taiwan, Advent 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers

Peng-an! With the season of Advent upon us comes the realization the year 2015 is also drawing to a close. For the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) it has been a year full of significant and memorable activities as we celebrated the founding (1865) of the PCT. We thank God not only for sustaining and enabling the church throughout the anniversary year but also for the abundant grace, mercy and love poured on our people and this land Taiwan, the past one hundred and fifty years. We are indeed blessed and privileged.

As we greet you this Christmas on behalf of the PCT we take the opportunity to convey our sincere gratitude to the countless individuals and organizations both in Taiwan and overseas that provided support and journeyed with us. We thank and recognize our former and present missionary personnel and each church denomination for your diligent, loving service and faithful partnership in the Lord. It was a joy to welcome “home” our missionaries and to extend the hand of fellowship to church representatives who came to celebrate with us the months of April, June and October. Your presence and participation was a blessing and encouragement reminding us of the strength and beauty of the global church family. Lastly, we thank PCT presbyteries and colleagues for their cooperation and our GA staff for the extra-long hours of hard work.

Sadly, our joy is also tainted with sorrow as we witness the world yet again in a state of pain and fear. During this season of expectation let us unite in prayer for comfort and healing for the marginalized, the refugees, the victims of terrorism; hope for innocent children and youth; wisdom for all world leaders, be they governments, religious or social so each nation and community will put down their arms and seek a lasting solution to end all war and acts of terrorism. Lord in your mercy hear us and help us proclaim your light in the darkness that all may embrace the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

Wishing you and your loved ones a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year,

Sincerely yours in Christ

鄭文仁 林芳仲
Rev. Tin Bun-Jin Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong
PCT Moderator, 60th General Assembly PCT General Secretary
2015 Advent PCT-GA ltr eng.pdf

Submitted by:PCT-GA office
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