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Condolences and Support for Nepal

27 April 2015

National Council of Churches in Nepal

Dr. Ram Baran Yadav
President, NCC Nepal

Dr. K B Rokaya
General Secretary,
NCC Nepal

Dear Dr. Yadav and Dr. Rokaya

These few words, although very inadequate, come to express to you the heartfelt condolences and deep sympathy of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) as your nation continues to battle in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake and aftershocks that has struck your country the recent days.

From the various media reports the vast scale of the loss of human life, injuries sustained, and damage to the infrastructure and the land, has painfully become more and more evident. Here in Taiwan we are no strangers to natural disasters, including earthquakes and typhoons, thus we identify with you as we envisage the pain and terror which your people are going through at this moment. Experience has also taught us that the initial hours and days of rescue response is merely the first step. Your country and people will have a long journey ahead as you eventually move forward through the various phases of rehabilitation and reconstruction - our hearts and prayers surround you.

In the face of such human tragedy we humbly pray:

for the victims and their grieving families, for the injured and missing that they will know some measure of comfort in their sorrow and fear. We pray for all who are involved in the immediate rescue operations and counseling that they will have strength, health and wisdom to persevere. We pray for your fellow sufferers in the neighbouring countries and those in isolated areas not yet reached. We pray for protection not only from the recurring tremors but also against spread of diseases. We pray for the medical and rescue teams who are already exhausted and have no time to think of their own loss. We pray for the wisdom of your government and community leaders as they coordinate the rescue efforts and seek to maintain calm. Lord, in your mercy hear our prayers. A-men

We also want to share with you the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) held an emergency meeting today concerning the situation in Nepal. It was decided PCT will send an immediate donation of US$10,000 through the channels of the ACTAlliance towards the immediate rescue efforts. In the coming days, weeks and months we will wait to hear the assessment reports of the ACT Alliance and other disaster response teams on the ground. It will be helpful to know which areas of need the National Council of Churches in Nepal (NCCN) and its constituent member churches will be addressing in particular.

Secondly, we are sending a pastoral letter to all our PCT congregations with an appeal for prayers and support. Please know sisters and brothers in Taiwan desire to help your people even in a small way.

May the Lord of hope sustain you, your churches and your country -

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

Sincerely yours in Christ

鄭文仁 林芳仲

Rev. Cheng Wen-Jen
Moderator, 60th General Assembly

Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong
General Secretary

cc ACT Alliance, WCC, CCA

Replied from NCC Nepal

Dear brothers and sisters,

Thank you for your prayer for Nepal. We all in Sagarmatha are safe so far. Only today people have started moving out, still living in tents. So far total death almost 5000, still many deaths anticipated as bodies are being recovered. One Church in Kathmandu collapsed killing at least 26 during Saturday worship service. News of Churches destroyed elsewhere coming up. Still too early to say exactly how much damage to Churches and deaths of Christians.

For now just keep praying. Still uncertainty andfear prevails.

Dr. K. B. Rokaya
General Secretary
NCC Nepal


Submitted by:總幹事室
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