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3 News Releases on Social Justice (WCRC)

12 February 2014

Human Trafficking Focus of Workshop in Argentina

“Broken for You,” a campaign against human trafficking which is being developed by the World Communion of Reformed Churches’ Justice Network took another step forward at a meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 29-31, 2014.

A small group of Justice Network members met with CAREF (Comisión de Apoyo a Refugiados y Migrantes), an ecumenical organization that works with migrants, refugees, and exiles.

Officials of CAREF shared their 15 years of experience on diverse aspects of human trafficking (including sensitizing, prevention, and victim assistance) and its links with international migration, and sexual and labour exploitation.

The exchange contributed to the WCRC’s upcoming “Broken for You” campaign, which will be launched later this year for use during Lent in 2015. The group developed a concept paper which will help guide the creation of the campaign.

The group was hosted by Iglesia Evangélica del Río de la Plata, a member of both the WCRC and CAREF.

Learn more here: http://wcrc.ch/news/human-trafficking-focus-of-workshop-in-argentina-2/

WCRC Joins Call for Prayers for South Sudan

Setri Nyomi, WCRC general secretary, has written to members of the World Communion of Reformed Churches to join in a call to prayer for South Sudan on Sunday, 16 February, 2014.

The initial call was issued by WCRC member denominations the Reformed Church in America and the Presbyterian Church (USA), both of which have missionaries active in the new country.

In the letter, Nyomi asks to pray "for the processes to seek peace and reconciliation – that the young nation of South Sudan will have the peace it needs for its people a chance for a great future."

Read the letter sent to WCRC member churches: http://wcrc.ch/news/prayers-south-sudan-sunday-february-16-2014/

WCRC Supports V-Day’s One Billion Rising

On 14 February 2013, one billion people in 207 countries rose and danced to demand an end to violence against women and girls.

On 14 February 2014, the efforts are escalating, with the V-Day movement calling on women and men everywhere to rise, release, dance, and demand justice.

The World Communion of Reformed Churches is calling on its members to join in this movement.

“To speak out against gender violence is a matter of justice, and justice is at the heart of Jesus’s Gospel,” says Dora Arce-Valentin, the WCRC’s executive secretary for justice and partnership. “So, raising up our voices together with millions around the world is a way to witness our faith and proclaim good news to the ones God loves the most, the victims of injustice.”

Learn more here: http://wcrc.ch/news/wcrc-supports-v-days-one-billion-rising/

For more information, please contact Rev. Dora Arce-Valentin, the WCRC’s executive secretary for justice and partnership: dav@wcrc.eu.

Submitted by:World Communion of Reformed Churches
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