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PCT Workshop at WCC 11th Assembly
Workshop Theme: From International Isolation to Witnessing for National Dignity and Human Rights

Workshop Theme: From International Isolation to Witnessing for National Dignity and Human Rights

The four delegates of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan will address the topics related to the current situation in Taiwan: the role of China in ensuring the ongoing international isolation of Taiwan, the plight of the youth victimised by the inequality of the economic system, the urgency for the self-identity of the community to review its goals for mission 1. To realize identification with people in Taiwan 2. To cross borders of ethnicity, classes, culture, gender…3. To bring reconciliation to the society in Taiwan. The last panelist will speak about the mission of the indigenous peoples emphasizing the respect for gospel and culture, the use of indigenous resources and the implementation of transitional justice for the 18 indigenous tribes in Taiwan.

The PCT workshop will be conducted in English.

The PCT affirmation of faith is that Christ’s compassionate love transforms the world in the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. The church must be a symbol of peace and reconciliation, and hope for the whole inhabited world (oikoumene) –expresses unity, a common goal and a new beginning by a people who have been reconciled with God through Christ. Therefore, the PCT is an agent of forgiveness and love both within and outside its communities. The PCT calls on the ecumenical movement to more resolute work and action for a just and participatory society and the care for God’s creation and to walk different paths responding to God’s call on a pilgrimage of justice and peace.

Submitted by:普世
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