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Ecumenical Family brings solidarity with PCT in the Wake of the Earthquake

Rescuers treat injured people in 0403 Earthquakes. (Photo by LIN,YI-YING, PCT ECU Committee member)

Reported by C. K. Chiang, volunteer reporter of TCNN

A strong earthquake struck off east coast of Taiwan with magnitude of 7.2 on April 3 at 7:58 in the morning. Upon getting the news, ecumenical churches and organizations immediately bring their concerns and solidarity with Taiwan and Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT). They all express the prayers in the urgent time of suffering caused by the earthquake.

World Council of Churches, World Communion of Reformed Churches, Council for World Mission, Christian Conference of Asia, and ACT Alliance, these ecumenical organizations all have brought their cares and prayers for the loss of life and the injured in Taiwan in the disaster of the earthquake.

“Our prayers are with all those who lost loved ones in their families and among friends in this powerful earthquake and its aftershocks. Our prayer and hope is that churches and specialized agencies in the ecumenical family be able to extend every possible support for humanitarian aid assistance in affected areas.” said Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, General Secretary of World Council of Churches.

Partner churches from different countries also bring their solidarity with Taiwan and PCT, funding PCT disaster relief programme to accompany Taiwanese people resided in Eastern Taiwan in the time of suffering.

In response to ecumenical solidarity and concerns for Taiwan and PCT, Rev. Chen, Hsin-Liang, General Secretary of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, expressed his gratitude to ecumenical partners: “I am truly grateful for ecumenical cares and solidarity with Taiwan and PCT in wake of the earthquake occurred in Eastern Taiwan. At the time of the earthquake happened, our disaster reaction programme started immediately to cooperate local congregations by our networks. Please continue to pray for Taiwan and Taiwanese people and accompany Taiwan through the difficult time.”

Until now, PCT has received prayers and cares from ecumenical organizations and partner churches:

North America

Presbyterian Church (USA), Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ, The Presbyterian Church in Canada, The United Church of Canada

North East Asia

Presbyterian Church of Korea, Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea

National Christian Council in Japan, The United Church of Christ in Japan, The Korean Christian Church in Japan, Jesus Christ Church in Japan, Brotherhood of Christ Church.

The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China

South East Asia

United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Communion of Churches in Indonesia, Indonesia Christian Church West Java Regional Synod, Church of Christ in Thailand


Uniting Church in Australia, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ)

Submitted by:普世
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