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Taiwan Is Not a Part of the People’s Republic 2018/06/143515
Taiwanese Canadians protest at Air Canada HQ in Montreal 14th 2018/06/141594
Statement by Senator Michael L. MacDonald 2018/06/043129
David Wyma Obituary-Holland, Michigan-Langeland-Sterenberg Funeral Home 2018/02/213276
Taiwanese Human Rights Association of Canada annual meeting 2014/05/133388
FAPA deeply disturbed by KMT government’s lack of democratic procedures in forcing Service Trade Agreement through Legislative Yuan 2014/03/202976
World Council of Churches Voices Solidarity with Haiyan Victims 2013/11/132762
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2013/01/092945
New treasurer appointed for global Reformed church organization 2012/05/152335
Finances and Christian unity are focus of global gathering of Reformed churches 2012/05/152175
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