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Pledging to Protect a Democratic Taiwan, Blue Bird Action Fellows Reunite in Street Banquet at PCT Liuyuan Church

Taiwan Church News

3785 Edition

Sept 9 ~ 15, 2024

Weekly Topical

Pledging to Protect a Democratic Taiwan, Blue Bird Action Fellows Reunite in Street Banquet at PCT Liuyuan Church

Reported by Hong Tai-yang

In the evening on September 6th, a street banquet was held in front of the PCT Liuyuan Church. A total of 62 tables were opened with more than 600 people participated, making the late summer night full of fun and joy.

The civilian groups invited to the street banquet included the PCT Taichung Presbytery, DemocracyFix, Blue Bird Walking Group in Taichung, Central Taiwan Society, Taiwan Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taiwan Association of University Professors, Cosmopolitan Culture Action Taichung (CCAT), and etc.

Rev Huang Yu-ching, director of the Church and Society Committee of Taichung Presbytery, paid her special thanksgiving to the Blue Bird Action Fellows and the gorgeous banquet, which was carefully prepared and catered by the PCT Liuyuan pastors and co-workers. “The street banquet showcases the democratic will of people realized via Blue Bird Action at Taipei in May, 2024,” Rev Huang said.

“The street banquets for Blue Bird Action, which have been hosted in Taipei and Tainan recently, open a window allowing the church to see a cooperative opportunity with civilian groups, and also allows many non-Christian adult and youth to participate in evangelical movements, express spiritual needs, participate in prayer meetings, and learn the church’s diverse ministries,” reminded Rev Huang.

“Today, Blue Bird Action initiated from Taipei is expected to once again raise the awareness of protecting Taiwan’s democracy,” she said, “and continues to play its critical function and accumulate its momentum to monitor the Congress and protect Taiwan democracy in the next few congressional sessions.”

Rev Chuang Song-wei, moderator of the General Assembly of the PCT Taichung Presbytery, spoke on behalf of the street banquet organizer and said that the abuse of power by TPP and KMT legislators in Congress in 2024 had prompted many Taiwanese people to take on the streets.

Rev Chuang stressed, “the first step in citizen awakening movement is to listen and speak.” “This is the reason why the street banquet for Blue Bird Action Fellows hopes to provide a platform for youth to speak out and allow them to have the courage to express their opinions,” he said, “young people are therefore very welcome to join the feasts of Blue Bird Action!”

Rev Fuyan Suda, moderator of the PCT General Assembly, blessed the participating youth in his speech to be “refreshed” through such street banquet, and also prayed that God’s grace would continue to guide and protect Taiwan.

“While many youth give their trust in a third political alternative, i.e. TPP, beyond DPP and KMT,” lamented Mr Chen Bor-wei, “as a matter of fact they are manipulated by TPP leaders to cooperate with KMT to debunk the Constitution and legislate a power-expansion bill to destroy the very foundation of Taiwan democracy.”

“What the Blue Bird Action triggered across Taiwan is a manifestation of the democracy deepening!”, indicated Mr Chen, “everyone in Taiwan shall carry on protecting our treasured democracy and freedom.”

Citing the incident of Taiwan’s flag snatching at the Paris Olympics as an example, word and even symbol about Taiwan is not allowed to appear at any Olympic venue, Ms Lin Fang-ru, vice president of CCAT, called the audience to take seriously Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation.

Even the foreigners wish to hail “Go! Go! Taiwan” outside the field, said Ms Lin, they must use “phonic memes” and this is indeed Taiwan’s tragedy! She urged the Taiwanese people to stand up and fight for democracy.

Translated by Peter Wolfe

Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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