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JCCJ initial letter replies to PCT’s concern

Rev. Chang Te-Chien (Andrew)
PCT General Secretary

Dear Rev. Chang:

Thank you for your deep concern about the great earthquake and tsunami.

There are twelve local churches belonging to JCCJ in the attacked area.

We thank to the Lord that non of these churches were damaged severely.

But some church members have their relatives or friends who lost their houses.

Two of our denominational committee members have visited these churches

to encourage them with many relief materials from Monday to Thursday.

A few pastors and lay people went with them.

They reported us the urgent needs of the churches and people.

We are preparing not only the materials but also the houses for the people

who lost their houses.

Now ten pastors in that area and many church members are trying to help other churches

as well as many people who are living in the attacked cities and towns.

Fortunately we have one mission center in the area.

The building was damaged a little bit, so we are repairing it as fast as possible.

More than fifty people can stay in the building to find rest for a while.

Though this is really the tragedy, this is God's challenge to us.

How earnestly we can pray for the churches and people.

How sincerely we can love people and serve people.

Please pray for us as the body of Christ.

It is God timing as well as good timing that you visit JCCJ Anual Conference.

I am expecting to see you and to have a good fellowship in Christ.

Please say the best regards to the wonderful people belonging to PCT.

Thank you again.

Rev. Yoshimi Kamano

Chairman of the Committee JCCJ

Submitted by:JCCJ
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