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Welcome to [2024 I Press On Toward the Goal]


The theme of 2024 I Love Taiwan Mission Camp is I PRESS ON TOWARD THE GOAL. When Apostle Paul was imprisoned, he wrote to the church of Philippi. He emphasized, “Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14) The passage implored congregants to follow Jesus Christ’s heart and practice the faith under harsh persecution. Regardless the volatile situation, we should embrace Christ’s joy and hope and steadfastly follow His step and move forward. This is Paul’s important message, and moreover, foundation of I Love Taiwan Mission Camp.


July 4 to July 19, 2024

Application Deadline

May 17, 2024

Program Outline/Venue

July 4 |Taoyuan International Airport| Arrival

July 4-6| Our Lady of Providence High School |Orientation

July 6-17| Local churches in Taiwan| Church Mission

July 17-19| Presbyterian Bible College| Sharing

July 19| Taoyuan International Airport |Departure

Who may Participate?

(1)Youths and young adults from overseas. (Age 16-35)

(2)Youths and young adults who are interested in cross cultural mission.

(3)Youths and young adults who are willing to cooperate with local church/organization’s summer program.

(4)Youths and young adults who want to know more about Taiwan.


(1)Local expenses, during July 4 to July 19, will be fully supported by PCT, local host churches and organizations. The expenses include food, accommodation, accident insurance, transportation, and exposure program.

(2)Participants will be responsible for all other expenses: International airfare and other expenses in Taiwan, e.g. laundry, telephone, medical insurance, and extended travel in Taiwan, etc.

For More Details

Please see the attachments for invitation letter, introduction and applications

For preliminary registration, fill out the google form

Program Contact Person

The Youth Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT)

Program Secretary: Pastor Li, Sin-Jin
Program Assistant: Mr. Huang, Tzu-Tian (Greg)
TEL: 886-2-23625282 ext.610
Fax: 886-2-23631722
Address: 3, Lane 269, Roosevelt Rd. Sec.3, Taipei, 106613 Taiwan
Email Address: youth@mail.pct.org.tw

01-2024 ILT Introduction.pdf
02-2024 ILT Application form.pdf
04- 2024 ILT Invitation.pdf
06-2024 ILT poster.jpg

Submitted by:青年事工委員會
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