20 December 2016 Rev. Roland Herpich Director Berliner Missionswerk • Ökumenisches Zentrum Dr. Christof Theilemann, Stellvertretender Theologischer Direktor und Landeskirchlicher Pfarrer für Ökumene und Weltmission Dear Friends, On behalf of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) we write these few words to say how deeply saddened we were to hear of the tragic incident in Berlin on Monday evening. As we hear from news reports twelve persons died while about 48 were injured - our hearts go out to all the victims. It is hard to fathom such attacks on innocent citizens and to happen during the Advent season of anticipation, joy and hope has added heaviness. We realize directly or indirectly such tragedy touches all of us but we are also concerned if any of your members or associate were affected? We pray the Lord to comfort the hurting families and your nation at this difficult time. “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 Immanuel Rev. Sudu Tada PCT 61 GA Moderator Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong PCT General Secretary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AW: prayers for Berlin Dear Friends, Thank you ever so much for your mail and your deeply moving and comforting message of support! I am writing this with a heavy heart. But I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness and prayers! It is so important that we stand together in these times as partners in the faith! Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families and loved ones, to the physicians, pastors and psychologists who care for them and to the police who work, so that justice may be done. As for the perpretator(s) I must say that the words of our Lord dying on the cross in Luke 23:34 are very much on my mind. So much of the Gospel of Christ has to do with suffering: first the suffering of the people he met, then His own suffering … Terrorism is a worldwide problem. Both justice and dialogue are needed to prevent further bloodshed. But first and foremost we Christians need to remember that the Gospel is about the God of Love who came into the world in Jesus Christ, was born in a manger in Bethlehem and died on the cross, thereby conquering death and evil, so that human beings may live ... Yours ever and ever gratefully, Christof Theilemann about the news http://m.bild.de/politik/inland/terrorberlin/gibt-es-ein-mittel-gegen-angst-49407702.bildMobile.html |