Welcome to “2023 I Love Taiwan Mission Camp: שָׁלוֹם Shalom”Praise our God for His Grace and Peace we have because of the Lord Jesus Christ! As the coronavirus pandemic eases in Taiwan, we would like to invite churches and young people from all over the world and from Taiwan to join the “2023 Missionary Camp: I Love Taiwan Mission—ILT.” The theme of the 2023 Missionary Camp is “Peace/Shalom”(in Hebrew, שָׁלוֹם). In the past few years, the world has witnessed the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and Taiwan facing the threat from China. In these turbulent times, the words of Jesus still ring in our ears:"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. I do not give you the same as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27) Even in times of trouble, our faith in Jesus Christshow true peace and strength. DatesJuly 5 to July 19, 2023 Application deadlineMay 16, 2023(Tuesday) Program Outline /VenuePlease download the introduction for further information.July 5|Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport(TPE) |Overseas youths’ arrival in Taiwan July 5 - 7|Our Lady Of Providence High School|Orientation July 7 - 17|Local Churches in Taiwan|Church Mission July 17- 19|Presbyterian Bible College|Debriefing July21|Taiwan Taoyuan InternationalAirport(TPE) |Departure Who may Participate?(1)Youths and young adults from overseas. (Age 16-35) (2)Youths and young adults who are interested in cross cultural mission. (3)Youths and young adults who are willing to cooperate with local church/organization’s summer program. (4)Youths and young adults who want to know more about Taiwan. Expenses(1)Local expenses, duringJuly 5 to July 19, will be fully supported by PCT, local host churches and organizations. The expenses Includes food, accommodation, accident insurance, transportation and exposure program. (2)Participants will be responsible for all other expenses: International airfare and other expenses in Taiwan, e.g. Laundry, telephone, medical insurance, and extended travel in Taiwan, etc. For More DetailsPlease see the attachments for invitation letter, introduction and applications Program Contact PersonThe Youth Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) Program Secretary: Evangelist Li, Sin-Jin Program Assistant: Ms. Lan, Yu-ching./Emma TEL: 886-2-23625282ext. 610 Fax: 886-2-23631722 Address: 3, Lane 269, Roosevelt Rd. Sec.3, Taipei, 10647 Taiwan Email Address: youth@mail.pct.org.tw |