Press Release of PCT General Secretary at the TIRFF Press Conference 為著義曾受窘逐的人有福氣 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake 林芳仲牧師 Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong 互人和平的人有福氣!因為 欲稱做上帝的子。 為著義曾受窘逐的人有福氣!因為天國是 的。 馬太福音 5:9-10 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Mathews 5:9-10 Taiwan International Religious Freedom Forum (TIRFF) was cohosted by the China Aid Association (ChinaAid), the Heritage Foundation (HF), Taiwan Association for China Human Rights (TACHR), and the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT), and was held from May 29 to June 1 in Presbyterian Bible College. In the past two days, both president Tsai Ing-Wen and vice president Chen Chien-Jen came to the event, showing its significance. During the forum, we heard about persecutions of Tibetan Buddhists in China and Uyghurs in East Turkestan (Xinjiang). There are also cases of persecution in Southeast Asia towards minority groups within their own countries. These persecuted groups have not been given proper respect and some of their situations are close to genocide. The situation has brought great concern to religious groups, non-governmental organizations, parliaments and governments of free and democratic countries such as the US, the EU and Taiwan. Since human beings are created in the image of God, the dignity of each person should be respected. The forum has resolved to a few action plans: 對華援助協會(China Aid Association,China Aid)、傳統基金會(Heritage Foundation, HF)、台灣關懷中國人權聯盟(Taiwan Association for China Human Rights, TACHR)及台灣基督長老教會(Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, PCT)於5月29日至6月1日在台灣基督教會新竹聖經學院舉行台灣國際宗教自由論壇(Taiwan International Religious Freedom Forum, TIRFF)。在這兩天中,蔡英文總統與陳建仁副總統皆來此關心,表示會議的重要性,兩日的會議聽到中國藏傳佛教、東土耳其斯坦(新疆)的維吾爾族人以及在中亞、東南亞國家內部對於弱勢團體的壓迫,可以說這些受壓迫教者,完全沒受到尊重,迫害的情形幾乎接近於滅族,這情況也喚起美國、歐盟、台灣及許多自由民主國家的宗教領袖、非營利組織(NGOs)、國會議員及政府官員共同關心。基於人是按上帝的形象創造的,人的尊嚴必需被尊重,因此會議中決定了幾個行動方案如下: 發表維吾爾族宗教自由宣言,聲援維吾爾族人 Publish a Declaration on Uyghur Religious Freedom in support of Uyghurs. 鼓勵政府、機構、非營利組織(NGOs)及宗教團體針對宗教迫害問題互相對話及提出問題,讓世界瞭解其嚴重性 Encourage governments, institutions, non-governmental organizations and religious groups to dialogue and raise awareness about the critical situation of religious persecution. 於中央廣播電臺推出<國際宗教自由之聲>,讓受壓迫的人能聽見上帝之聲。 Launch a Voice of the International Religious Freedom (VoIRF) at Radio Taiwan International (RTI), so that the oppressed can hear the voice of God. 對宗教迫害之受害者提供醫療協助,「Health for All, Taiwan can Help」。 Provide medical assistance to the victims of religious persecution. Health for All, Taiwan can Help. 發表“#NoMore” 器官摘除宣言,我們期望每個人能認同此宣言:「基於良心及人性尊嚴,我鄭重承諾,我不會直接或間接接收或接受任何中國的器官移植。」 Publish the #NoMore Organ Harvesting Declaration and urge all individuals to embrace this pledge: “On grounds of conscience and basic humanity, I solemnly pledge that I will not receive or accept, directly or indirectly, any organ transplant from China.” 參與此會議的我們代表了一個聯盟的形成,此聯盟將透過法律援助、醫療援助、過渡性生活費、搬遷等緊急援助需求,來幫助及支持宗教迫害受害者及受到威脅的人權維護者。 By participating in this forum, we have formed an alliance. This alliance will help and support victims of religious persecution and threatened human rights activists by providing legal assistance, medical help, living expanse in transition, and emergency migration support, etc. 我們期待接下來參與的組織,能夠按照分工持續推動,讓為著義曾受窘逐的人有福氣、讓社會有和平,我們才能稱為上帝的子。 We hope that all organizations involved can continue to push according to each one’s mandates so that the persecuted will be blessed and there may be peace in our society, that we may be called the children of God. |