An Appeal Regarding Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Movement Since the handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997, the government of China has been gradually gnawing on the independent administrative and legislative systems of Hong Kong. Today, Hong Kong is no longer the “Pearl of the Orient” that was prosperous and free under the U.K. governance. Its people have lost the sense of pride they once held as the citizens of Hong Kong. Millions of immigrants from China shattered the original social order. The living standard and the quality of life in Hong Kong have also deteriorated. The Chief Executive and the Legislative Council of Hong Kong were not elected through general democratic elections, resulting in a pseudo-autonomous government that is fully in the control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). With the CE and pro-Beijing camp “bootlicking” the CCP and serving its will, the guaranteed 50-year period of unchanged status has become a joke. The proposed amendment of the Hong Kong-China extradition law is, in its essence, an attempt of the CCP to incapacitate the judicial independence of Hong Kong. It has aroused great fear on the island of Hong Kong and led to demonstrations and strikes on an unprecedented scale. Sadly, the CE Carrie Lam responded to the peaceful demonstration with violence, calling civilians riots and shooting unarmed citizens. We strongly denounce this shocking atrocity. In view of this event, the PCT Indigenous Ministry Committee appeals: 1. To all PCT congregations and its subsidiary organizations - to be concerned for this event, remember the people of Hong Kong, host prayer meetings or public gatherings, voice support for the anti-extradition movement, and work toward the realization of peace. We shall stand together with the Hong Kong churches who have spoken up bravely and support their voices. 2. To the Lam administration - not to resort to violence in response to non-violent, peaceful demonstrations and apologize for the violence it has imposed. The scale of the anti-extradition movement manifests that the government of Hong Kong has lost the trust of the people. The Lam administration must withdraw the bill instead of just postponing it; restart a dialogue with its people, reform the legislative system, and form a truly representative Legislative Council that reflects not the will of CCP but the voice of the people. 3. To the people of Taiwan - to cherish the freedom and democracy on this island, unite against the pro-China powers within the country, speak up against the propagandas of the 92 Consensus, the “one country two systems”, and the “one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits” so as to eliminate the deception, infiltration, and subversion of authoritarianism and imperial violence. In the face of the 2020 presidential and parliamentary elections, we shall strive to overcome our differences and rifts caused by political confrontations, and allow candidates who prioritize the value of Taiwan democracy to continue to guide our nation forward, while advocating for justice, peace, and well-being both within our country and around the globe. “For the kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17) PCT Indigenous Ministry Committee Chairperson: Fuyan Suda 15 June 2019, Taiwan (Note: In the event of any discrepancies the original text in Mandarin governs) 對香港反送中事件的呼籲 香港自1997回歸中國以來,中國政府逐步改變香港的行政及立法體系,使得原本在英國統治之下的東方之珠變得不再自由繁榮,港人榮譽感盡失。大量從中國移入的新住民擾亂原有的秩序,生活的便利與市民的素質都不復從前。由於行政首長及立法議員非由香港人依據民主原則全面普選產生,形成實際上由中國掌控的假自治,特首及建制派議員不僅揣摩上意,還甘為人利用,早已讓五十年不變的承諾淪為笑柄。 今日香港立法會審議逃犯條例修訂草案,無異是中國政府企圖架空香港司法制度,此舉已造成港人心生畏懼,故而發起有史以來最大規模的遊行及罷工行動。未料行政長官林鄭月娥以暴動為名定位這場非暴力抗爭,並派出警察對手無寸鐵的民眾開槍,我們強烈譴責這種脫序的暴力行為。 有鑑於此,本會向各界呼籲如下: 1.本宗所屬教會及機構,應持續關注此議題,舉辦祈禱會或演講會,為香港人民守望,力挺後續的抗議行動,使此事件能有和平進展。並對勇敢站出來的香港教會表逹支持,願意繼續與他們站在一起。 2.香港政府不應該使用武力對待和平抗議的民眾,並對此行為致歉。此次大規模抗議行動表示香港政府已經失去人民信任,港府不可只暫緩審議,應全面撤回逃犯條例的修訂。香港政府應重新與人民溝通對話,改變立法會組成機制,形成真正的民意機構,而非中國政權的代言人。 3.台灣人民應該珍惜現有自由民主的生活,團結一致對抗國內各樣親中勢力,杜絕九二共識、一國兩制、兩岸一家親等以狹隘「大中華」說法包裝的極權暴力之欺騙、滲透與顛覆。在2020總統及立委大選摒棄成見、放下選舉政治對立紛爭的裂痕,使主張台灣民主價值優先的候選人繼續為民服務,守護並帶領台灣持續促進自身及國際社會公義、和平與康樂。 「因為上帝的國不在乎吃喝,只在乎公義、和平並聖靈中的喜樂。」(羅馬書14:17) 台灣基督長老教會總會原住民宣教委員會 主委Fuyan Suda張培理 主後2019年6月15日 |