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New treasurer appointed for global Reformed church organization

World Communion of Reformed Churches
News Release
14 May 2012

The Executive Committee of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has named a new general treasurer. Johann Weusmann of the Evangelical Reformed Church in Germany was appointed Saturday, 12 May during meetings currently underway in Berastagi, Indonesia.

Weusmann assumes his role at a time in which WCRC is faced with financial challenges.

“I am hoping that as General Treasurer – with the support of the Finance Committee, General Secretary and President – we will consolidate the organization’s financial situation in the immediate future,” Weusmann says.

In presenting Weusmann to Executive Committee members, WCRC General Secretary Setri Nyomi noted that he has been instrumental in building stronger relations between WCRC and German churches and agencies.

“Dr. Weusmann has understanding of WCRC finances and has raised the critical questions that need to be raised at this time,” Nyomi says.

Weusmann, who serves as vice-president and church lawyer for the Evangelical Reformed Church in Germany, is one of the authors of WCRC’s constitution.

In an interview following his appointment, Weusmann says he accepted the appointment because he believes the organization is badly needed in a time of globalization that brings threats to economic justice and community peace which far exceed the ability of any one church to address.

“I believe that national churches will have to work together across boundaries for unity, justice and peace. WCRC and its predecessor organizations have played a big role in helping churches connect on these issues. I hope that I can do my part for the organization to be there in the future,” Weusmann says.

The new General Treasurer will focus his attention in 2012-2013 on ensuring member churches fulfill their obligation to contribute their fair share to the general budget. Weusmann notes he participated in the creation of a “fair share grid” detailing the level of contribution expected from each member church in relation to its capacity to pay.

“I hope that if financial consolidation is successful, we can focus more on our mandate rather than on how to sustain ourselves,” Weusmann notes. “I hope in the coming years WCRC can continue to have itsimpact in the ecumenical world and on our member churches so that they will benefit from it.”

Weusmann replaces Gottfried Locher who resigned the position due to the burden of his commitments as President of the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches. In noting Locher’s resignation, the Executive Committee noted its gratitude for his services.

Locher was appointed General Treasurer when WCRC was founded in 2010 at the Uniting General Council in Grand Rapids, United States in a merger between the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Reformed Ecumenical Council.

WCRC’s constitution allows for the Executive Committee to selecta successor to the General Treasurer as needed in the periods between meetings of the organization’s senior decision making body, the General Council.

The Executive Committee concludes its meetings Wednesday, 16 May.

Submitted by:WCRC
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