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ACT Alliance: The Red Bench Campaign

The red bench campaign was created in Italy in 2016 but then promoted in many countries, especially in Latin America. It is a symbol of resistance and sorority. By sitting on the red bench, we show solidarity with survivors and victims of violence. An empty bench is a reminder of the people we have lost along the way. This is our contribution to the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign.

A movement is needed to end GBV, and religious leaders must be at the forefront of action.

This is also an opportunity to have a conversation about gender-based violence in an open and non-judgmental way.

Below you will find some resources and reflections where gender-rights defenders, theologians and leaders ask some thought-provoking questions about the root causes of violence.

You can join the conversation on Twitter by using the hashtags:

#TheRoad2Equality, #16days, #Orangetheworld

How you can join

You can join this campaign in many ways:

  • You can paint a bench, a chair or a stool in red to show solidarity with those affected by violence. This will be a permanent symbol of support. The chair can be placed anywhere: in your home, in a park, in a church, in a square.
  • Take a picture sitting on a red bench or with a red symbol. Show your support to the victims and survivors of violence. Tag yourself using the hashtags #TheRoad2Equality #16 days.
  • You can film a video reflection with your phone and join the conversation providing your ideas on how we can move towards a world without violence. You can use the resources provided on www.actalliance.org/16days, theological reflections and social media cards to take an active part in the campaign.


Submitted by:普世
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