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[CALL FOR APPLICATION] CWM Training in Mission (TIM) Programme 2024 - Deadline for application is 1 March 2024

To the General Secretaries of CWM Member-Churches

Greetings from the Global Office of the Council for World Mission (CWM) in Singapore.

We are accepting applications for the Training in Mission - Diploma in Mission Studies 2024 Programme [TIM].

TIM will be held from mid-May to late-November, commencing in the Philippines and concluding in Jamaica. The deadline of submission of all new applications is on 1 March, 2024.

Participants will commence online studies before travelling to the Philippines. We expect TIM participants to be ready to depart their home country by the last week of June 2024.

The Training in Mission Programme - Diploma in Mission Studies promotes leadership and service to the church and God’s mission, by providing opportunity for a group of young adults to learn about mission in theory and in practice through classes, exposure visits, projects and hands-on work in various contexts for 5 months.

Training in Mission Programme - Diploma in Mission Studies is open for all interested applicants aged 20 to 29 years old at the start of the Programme, who is single and not an ordained minister. He or she must be an active member of a CWM member church, as well as commit to serve the church upon return. Applicants must be proficient in English, as this is the main language of communication. For more information, please refer to the Programme brief attached.

The Programme aims to provide training for life and is intended to be a stage in Christian formation which helps each participant in a life–long involvement with the mission of the church. It also aims to offer training which provides wider vision; deepened commitment; and a strengthened sense of fellowship and partnership with other fellow Christians around the world, particularly through CWM member-churches.

The Training in Mission is now transformed into Diploma in Mission Studies where qualified participants will receive the Diploma Mission Studies at the end of the Programme. Graduates will possess qualification which recognizes applied leadership skills in mission and education to enhance employment opportunities or to work in a voluntary capacity. CWM’s member churches will benefit by having qualified individuals with the knowledge and skills to successfully lead areas of responsibility in a wide range of Christian mission roles.

In line with this, may we request you to nominate a maximum of four (4) young people: two (2) males and two (2) females, to this very important Programme. All applications must be endorsed by the General Secretary and/or Moderator of the sending church, following your internal selection process.

CWM will select up to 12 participants for the Programme. This will be on the basis of completed application form particularly the essay part, taking in consideration balance in gender and regional representation in the Programme. Please note that CWM will not cover the cost of the passport nor processing of the participant’s visa requirements.

Please find enclosed the Programme Brief and the application form. Please feel free to reproduce them for information dissemination. The application documents will also be made available at (CWM website) www.cwmission.org shortly.

We are looking forward to receiving applications from your church.

Yours in Christ,

Amelia Koh-Butler

Mission Secretary - Education, Formation and Empowerment

and Liaison to Pacific Region

CWM Education and Empowerment
at Council for World Mission

E empowerment@cwmission.org W www.cwmission.org


Submitted by:普世
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