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Words of Gratitude and Greetings from PCT General Secretary

Words of Gratitude and Greetings from PCT General Secretary

PCT’s forerunner Rev. Dr. Shoki Coe promulgated “contextual theology”. He stated that while the society keeps changing rapidly the Gospel remains the same, but the church’s mission should adapt with the changes. This doesn’t just apply to the changes in society but also to the changes in institutions, churches and individuals. I am grateful to God for undergoing cerebrovascular illness on Jan 4 this year and to experience changes in my life. In some ways it is comparable to a Christian going to Jerusalem to worship God; I have experienced different context and changes.

Through the prompt medical action of the Mackay Memorial Hospital (MMH Taipei) during the critical time, the surgery and treatment was successful, and rehabilitation progresses smoothly. My body and memory are in good condition. I would like to thank Mackay Memorial Hospital Superintendent, Dr. Liu Chien-Liang, Chairman of the Board Rev. Hu Chi-Jiang, Director Dr. Chen Hsu-Chao, and Dr. Lee Ching-Yi and the entire medical team for their care and support.

During this period, my wife and children are taking meticulous care of me, for which I am most grateful. I would also like to thank the Officers of the PCT General Assembly, Secretaries team and colleagues for their support and prayers. In addition I am very aware of the urgent prayers of intercession sisters and brothers from churches all around offered on my behalf. I have felt the deep love from all of you. Such acts of faith, I believe, will bring blessings from God upon our churches.

Rev. Dr. Shoki Coe once said: “United we stand, divided we fall”. This is still true today. Rev. Shoki Coe was inspired by the ecumenical movement at that time and together with the efforts of young people, the Presbyterian Church was able to stand united in 1951, forming the first General Assembly meeting. Today, we need to treasure the faith inheritance of leaders such as Rev. Ng Bu-Tong and Rev. Shoki Coe - we should not return to division. We need to hold fast to the conviction that “united we stand, divided we fall”. It is through such unity that our church will be able to continue its leading role in Taiwan society.

During my treatment, the Officers and Secretaries of the General Assembly, and office colleagues have worked together to continue all aspects of the mission work of the church. This has not been affected by my personal change. Now my body is in gradual recovery, I would like to thank all of you for your prayers and care. May God continue to lead the PCT and the Taiwan society. And may God also keep leading everyone, enabling our church to continue to play its prophetic role, leading Taiwan on the way of justice and peace.

Lastly, during this Lunar New Year period, I extend my warmest greetings to everyone! May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all, Amen Thank you!

Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong
PCT General Secretary
7 February 2020

Submitted by:總幹事室
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