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Terms of Reference

1. Name
The name shall be “Taiwan Ecumenical Forum for Justice and Peace” and shall hereafter be referred to as the “Taiwan Ecumenical Forum” (TEF).

2. Nature of Organization
TEF will serve as a cooperative endeavor of the ecumenical movement in accompanying the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) mission priority for justice and peace in Taiwan, and in East Asia. As the PCT seeks to be faithful to God’s calling to identify with the suffering of its people, and to give an account of its faith (1 Peter 3:15), it seeks the support of its partner churches, regional, global mission and ecumenical agencies. TEF represents an ecumenical quest and pilgrimage for peace and justice in Taiwan, East Asia and beyond due to the serious regional security challenges and their implications for world peace. As we attempt this journey together, TEF is also mindful that the WCC is on a pilgrimage of justice and peace and we pray that we will share lessons along the way for mutual enrichment. TEF is established in the spirit of the ecumenical accompaniment programs such as the Ecumenical Forum on Korea (EFK), or Palestine-Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF) and the Colombian Peace Process.

3. Objectives
The Taiwan Ecumenical Forum aims to:
 ‧Strengthen and widen (journey together) ecumenical participation in the pilgrimage for justice and
peace in North East Asia with Taiwan as a case study in conflict management and resolution;
 ‧Promote effective cooperation on the basis of mutual trust and transparency through sharing
of resources and experience in the ecumenical community;
 ‧Serve as a platform of common ecumenical action and advocacy in solidarity with the PCT,
as it seeks national dignity, national sovereignty and a Taiwanese society built upon a
  solid foundation of love, justice and mercy;
 ‧Mobilize and broaden ecumenical and church support for the transitional justice process for
the rights of Indigenous Peoples and victim rights (e.g. the martial law era) in the context of
  the global ecumenical commitments;
 ‧Accompany and support actions on various levels in exploring and promoting new ecumenical
and interchurch collaboration within Taiwan; and
 ‧Support PCT priorities for renewing relationships with the Chinese churches and the
China Christian Council.

4. Tasks and Functions
The Taiwan Ecumenical Forum shall have the following tasks and functions:
 a) Initiate dialogue and cooperation among participating churches, ecumenical bodies, and church agencies for common action for justice and peace in East Asia with specific emphasis on Taiwan;
 b) Gather and mobilize material, technical, and financial resources for advocacy for the TEF process;
 c) Ensure mutual transparency and accountability for effective work;
 d) Develop and maintain systematic communications among TEF participants.

5. Steering Group
The Steering Group (SG) co-conveners are Jooseop Keum, General Secretary of the Council for World Mission (CWM), and Philip Vinod Peacock, Executive for Justice and Witness of the World Communion of the Reformed Churches (WCRC). Other SG members represent PCT, Mission 21, WSCF, Berliner Missionswerk, Presbyterian Church in Canada, United Reformed Church, United Church of Christ in Japan, and Korean and Philippine partner churches.

6. Meetings
After the initial meeting of the TEF, the Steering Group shall seek opportunities to gather ecumenical partners from time to time in pursuit of the TEF agenda as set out in the ToR.

7. Finances
Meetings will be self-financed with all costs shared. When meeting in Taiwan, the PCT will host the TEF for hotel, food and local transportation costs. The SG and TEF activities will be supported by project funding and voluntary contributions.

8. Other
Any other agenda not specified herein shall be decided by the meetings of the SG.

9. Timeline
TEF is to be assessed every three years to evaluate its ongoing relevance and impact.

  本論壇全名應為「台灣普世論壇—尋求公義和平」,簡稱「台灣普世論壇(Taiwan Ecumenical Forum, TEF)」。

  台灣普世論壇(TEF)作為普世運動的合作探索平台,將陪同台灣基督長老教會(PCT)一同投入重要宣教事工,亦即尋求台灣及東亞地區的公義與和平。當PCT虔誠尋求上帝的呼召、認同受苦的人民與告白我們心中盼望的緣由(彼得前書3:15),PCT 同時也尋求合作教會、地區、國際宣教與普世機構的支持。有鑒於地區安全的嚴重危害,及力求世界和平的希望,TEF將成為台灣及東亞地區公義與和平朝聖之旅的代表。當我們一同走在宣教的旅途上,我們瞭解普世教會協會(WCC)也正走在公義與和平的朝聖之旅中。TEF祈求大家能彼此分享見證、互相茁壯。TEF其精神與許多普世陪同計畫一致,例如:韓國普世論壇(EFK)、巴勒斯坦—以色列普世論壇(PIEF)及哥倫比亞和平進程。



五、執行小組(Steering Group)
  執行小組的共同主席有世界傳道會(CWM)總幹事Jooseop Keum、普世改革宗教會聯盟(WCRC)公義見證執行幹事Philip Vinod Peacock。其他執行小組成員包括Mission 21、世界學生基督徒聯盟(WSCF)、柏林差會(BM)、加拿大長老教會(PCC)、英國聯合歸正教會(URC)、日本基督教團(UCCJ)及韓國與菲律賓合作教會代表。




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