Found Out 

Pastor Duck's Devotional 

Taiwan Church News 2640, October 6, 2002 

Translated by David Alexander 


" sure your sin will find you out." (Numbers 32:23) 

When Siao-mei attended university, she lived in a dormitory run by a Christian organization. Not all the residents were Christians, like her, but the dormitory evangelist was everyone's friend. She invited everyone to participate in Bible reading and prayer times. 

One day one of the "not-yet-Christian" residents told the evangelist, "I saw some Christians passing out tracts by the bus station. They were wearing vests with the words 'Jesus forgave my sin and will forgive yours.' I don't need to be a Christian because I have never been charged with any crime." 

This young woman obeyed all the nation's laws. According to her understanding, only violations of written laws could be considered sin. Since she had never been caught for a "crime", she felt she did not need to be forgiven. 

She had never been seen violating a rule. She had never been caught committing a crime. There was no evidence against her that could stand up in a court of law. 

Moses told the people of Israel that breaking promises was a sin. They would be caught and convicted for this sin, not by God, but by the sin itself. 

Now, which party would you prefer found you out for your shortcomings: God, the government, or your sin? 

Prayer: Merciful God, before our sin itself finds us out, open our eyes so we might see our sin and your forgiveness. AMEN 
