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Newly Elected MMH Directors And Officials Pledge To Comply With PCT's Order

Taiwan Church News

3328 Edition

December 7 - 13, 2015

Headline News

Newly Elected MMH Directors And Officials Pledge To Comply With PCT's Order

Reported by Lin Yi-yin

In order to pledge their loyalty to PCT and figure out an appropriate relationship between PCT and Mackay Memorial Hospital(MMH), the newly elected board directors of the 17th MMH management board with some representative hospital officials, including Chairman Liu Bor-en, Superintendent Dr. Shih Shou-chuan and others, pay their first-ever official visit to PCT General Assembly Office on December 1.

MMH's Chairman Liu Bor-en remarks that, as MMH is an important medical hospital under the order of PCT, it is an ethical action that General Assembly and four major constitutional members of MMH, i.e. Presbyteries of Taipei, Chi-hsin, Hsin-chu and Taitung, should be visited and consuted in advance about the impending modification of the donation articles within MMH's constitutional charter due to an administrative order from Ministry of Health and Welfare(MHW).

Except praying God to give him more wisdom to overcome much more challenges lying ahead, Liu also expresses his thanksgiving to the strong support, from General Assembly, four constitutional Presbyteries and his colleagues of the 17th MMH management board, especially in the most difficult period, helping him to achieve the demanding task committed by General Assembly.

Dr. Shih Shou-chuan, Superintendent of MMH, affirms that MMH as the property of PCT is beyond doubt. In addition, the relationship between MMH and PCT cannot be separated by any means in the future, pledges Dr. Shih, but under the pressure from MHW to modify the constitutional charter, indeed the wisdom from God to overcome all these challenges is needed.

Contrasting with the regretful digression of the 15th and 16th MMH management board, Rev. Zeng Wen-ren, Moderator of PCT General Assembly, affirms this official visit made by the 17th MMH board directors and hospital officials. He hopes such visit could be established as a routine in the future.

Rev. Lyim Hong-tiong, PCT General Secretary, points out the relationship between MMH and PCT is united by the will of God and can not be divided by the hands of man. The establishment of MMH is in essence an evangelical mission, based on a Christian faith and initiated by the medical service of Dr. Mackay, said Rev. Lyim, and why there were so many problems happened in the past of MMH management are due to some people's loss of faith and being caught in the evil. The only way to avoid such mistakes to repeat again is to be honest to God and walk in his way of truth, reminds Rev. Lyim.

Translated by Peter Wolfe

Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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