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Presbyterian Church Of Korea (Tong Hap Group) Visits PCT To Seek Cooperation In God's Mission For Asia

Taiwan Church News

3327 Edition

November 30 - December 6, 2015

Church News

Presbyterian Church Of Korea (Tong Hap Group) Visits PCT To Seek Cooperation In God's Mission For Asia

Reported by Lin Jin-jia

In the morning on November 25, accompanied by Rev. Lin Huei-san of New Life Christian Church Mission, Rev. Chae Hyoung-Uk, president of Korea Presbyterian Publishing House(KPPH) and, and some of his co-workers visits PCT General Assembly. Representing the Tong Hap group of Presbyterian Church of Korea(PCK), Rev. Chae is well received by Rev. Lee Wei-ding, secretary of PCT's Education Ministry Committee.

Rev. Chae remarks, as Tong Hap group of PCK has now grown to a denomination with 3 million members and 8,500 congregations across South Korea, there has been a close cooperation between KPPH and th publishing houses of the Presbyterian Church in US, Japan and Australia for decades of years. In recent years, KPPH starts to visit Taiwan, China and India to seek some opportunities to cooperate and help each other.

KPPH will publish about 250 publications each year, including Sunday school's education materials, theological books, pastoral resources, laymen education materials and etc, says Rev. Chae. Among these publications, 70% of them are new titles. As PCK(Tong Hap Group) and Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea(PROK) hold a centenary mission ceremony in this September, Rev. Chae specially bring PCT one commemorative and limited-edition copy of golden Holy Bible of this significant missionary event in East Asia history!

Translated by Peter Wolfe

Submitted by:Taiwan Church Press
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