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Celebrating! The 70th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women in the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT)

Celebrating70th Anniversary of Women Ordination

On March 29, 1949, PCT Kaohsiung Presbytery ordained Easter Lee (李幫助) the pastor of Chian^ kim (前金) Presbyterian Church. Rev. Lee was the first female pastor in Taiwan which manifests the turning point for women in church ministry.

Despite this major change it has been a struggle for women to become pastors. During the period 1949 to 1979, only 10 women were ordained as clergy by the PCT. Although the circumstances are challenging, women from different ethnic groups have passionately responded to God's call and have shared their witnesses by God’s grace and to His glory. At the end of 2018, PCT had a total of 474 ordained women.

To celebrate 70th Anniversary of Women Ordination, PCT Women Pastors Care Association held a worship service and published a book of witness, entitled “70th Anniversary of Women Ordination: A Witness to Life.” Thirty-six (36) female writers with different kinds of gifts illustrate their struggles and experiences with the help and grace of the Holy Spirit.

The Book Launch was held on March 19 at the Presbyterian Bible College, Hsinchu, Taiwan and all the authors were present to tell their stories. Their witness and sharing was encouraging and warm-hearted.

Later during the worship service, the ordained ministers re-dedicated their lives to God and expressed gratitude for God’s guidance. “Sa’icelen!,” they exclaimed in Amis (one of the indigenous languages), which means “Keep it up!”





3月19日(禮拜二)上午在新竹聖經學院舉辦生命見證集新書發表會,邀請作者親臨現場見證分享,帶給眾女性牧傳滿滿的激勵與溫暖;之後,接續舉行女傳封牧七十週年感恩禮拜,為過去的的生命經驗獻上感恩,同時再次決志一生服事永不悔,在讚美聲中,大家一起說:Sa’icelen !(阿美族語,是”加油”的意思)

Relative sources: Article 1, Article 2

On March 29, 1949, PCT Kaohsiung Presbytery ordained Easter Lee (李幫助) the pastor of Chian^ kim (前金) Presbyterian Church.

Celebrating70thAnniversary of Women Ordinationat the Presbyterian Bible College, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Celebrating70thAnniversary of Women Ordinationat the Presbyterian Bible College, Hsinchu, Taiwan

The book cover of 70thAnniversary of Women Ordination: A Witness to Life

Statistics of ordained women in Taiwan

Submitted by:婦女
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