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Calls for prayers for Healing, Reconciliation and Peaceful Reunification of the Korean nation

The PCT General Secretary has received appeals from its partner churches in Korea to support their aspirations for peace and reunification of the two Koreas.

The General Secretary of the PROK, Rev. Dr. Bae Tae-Jin and the General Secretary of the PCK, Rev. Dr. Lee Hong-Jung have written to all their ecumenical partners to support them this year because this year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of their churches and it is also the 70 anniversary of the end of the Japanese occupation of Korea. Unfortunately the end of the colonial rule was replaced by an arbitrary division of the Korean peninsula by the two superpowers, the U.S.A and the former USSR.

This division led to the outbreak of the Korean War which recorded 5.5 million casualties and fixed the division structure on the basis of the cold war system.

In this significant year, the PCK has published worship resources on the healing, reconciliation and peaceful reunification of the Korean nation which include an order for worship service, a sermon script and the 70 prayer topics both in Korean and English.

They hope that these materials can be used by their ecumenical partners. They urge that the worldwide ecumenical family will remember the 70th anniversary of the unfulfilled liberation of the Korean peninsula due to the division, and join them in a special prayer movement for the Healing, Reconciliation and Peaceful Reunification of the Korean nation.

The PCT will participate in the 100th anniversary celebration of these two churches. The Vice-Moderator, Rev. Sudu Tada and Associate General Secretary, Prof. Chi Bong Chi will represent our churches in September. Prof. Hsu will be a speaker at a special international colloquium marking the 70th anniversary of the division of Korea.

Letter from PCK.pdf
2015 Joint Peace Worship(English).pdf

Submitted by:普世
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