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Commemorating Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell

Warm Invitation to join a zoom service on 2021-03-06

Dear sisters and brother

Warm greeting to you!

As many of you are aware, in Taiwan, there are series of events scheduled to mark the centenary anniversary since the passing of Dr. James L. Maxwell on 6 March 1921. These include PCT churches cooperating with Tainan City Council to hold exhibitions, a Park, and a public library named after him, a concert, a tour-guide to visit places following his footsteps, and various academic conferences. A series of postage stamps will also be published on this day.

Here in the UK, due to the pandemic, unfortunately we were limited to further our effort (the libraries and churches have been locked down). However we have contacted the Maxwell descendants, working with them for the family history, a refurbishment of the graveyard is ongoing and arrangement for a memorial plaque to commemorate 100 years since his going home to the Lord and to recognize the invaluable contribution of Dr. James L. Maxwell as a pioneer missionary to Taiwan in 1865.

We hope to unite PCT and URC to memorize these historical significant impacts in our Anniversary Service while at the same time learn how the early mission work could be so fruitful. Of course, in this century, we need to discern how we can continue this spirituality in our church and how to translate that mission in the current context of our so called modern world.

On behalf of the URC Taiwanese Fellowship in London (TFiL) we warmly invite you to join us on Saturday, 6 March 2021 at 11:00 U.K. time (19:00 Taiwan time). Please see the attached (in both English and Chinese) for the finer details.

We look forward to your participation but in the meantime if you have any questions about the service or related to the Taiwanese Fellowship in London (TFiL) do not hesitate to contact me directly – I would love to hear from you!

Blessings and Peng-an!

Rev. Chen Yu-Fen


URC-PCT-CWM Partner in Mission

Taiwanese Fellowship in London (TFiL)

Lumen United Reformed Church


90 Windsor Road, Ilford, IG1 1HQ, England UK

TEL:44 (0)7769 599646

E-mail: Chen Ula


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