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eDARE 2022: Prof Jim Perkinson invites you to register

“dare to dare
mission without presumption
to convert or help or proposition
doctrine of christian discovery
to be upended like a great commission
returned to local soil and indigenous
wisdom and the conviction that
on the ground peoples and
wizened women and youth
working syncopation into collision…”

This spoken excerpt crafted by Prof Jim Perkinson from Ecumenical Theological Seminary and St. Peter’s Episcopal Church shares the aspect of eDARE he is looking forward to, and he invites you to our eDARE 2022 seminars on 24, 26 and 28 October.

If you’ve yet to register, you can do so here>https://forms.gle/iWjf9BmB2FWLArw39


Submitted by:普世
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