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John Whitehorn

WORDS OF GRATITUDE from John Whitehorn 懷約翰牧師

Dear Moderator and General Secretary

It was very good of you to send the message of congratulation and generous gift on behalf of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) on the occasion of my 90th birthday.

I am glad to report that we had a very pleasant celebration in our local church, much of it master-minded by my children and grandchildren. It was special to have Siok-Hui bok-su represent PCT to join us on the day.

Among the greetings and gifts several came from the church and friends in Taiwan, for example I received presents of £200, foodstuffs, a scarf, key-rings, etc as well as letters and cards. Some of thesewere sent by General Assembly officers, the Church Pressand so on. I also received a number of gifts which I believe John Proctor brought back from a meeting in Singapore.

I have been trying to deal with the matter of thanking all the people who sent me greetings on my 90th birthday, but I am aware that I may have missedsome people. Therefore, I would appreciate if you could publicise the fact that I am grateful for all the kindnessshown to me.

Needless to say it was a disappointment for Elisabeth and me not to be able to travel to Taiwan for the long anticipated events but I had to heed the doctors wise advice. I hope you and your colleagues are well, and perhaps not quite so busy now that the 150TH celebrations have come to an end!

Once again sincere thanks to all, Peng-an

Best wishes at Christmas time.

John Whitehorn

Submitted by:Ecumenical Committee
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