The Importance of Abstinence: A Foreign Viewpoint

Taiwan Church News 2625, June 23, 2002

Reported by Li Sin-ren, translated and written by David Alexander


   At a press conference held concurrent with the sex education seminar in Tainan on June 17th, the mayor introduced the "True love Waits" pledge card, proclaiming a view of marriage and sexuality decisiveness.  Mayor Hsu said, "Current social openness has harmed our values. True values will enable us to prevent some basic causes of sex crimes."

   Ms. Susan Thompson, director of the Ray of Hope organization, said, "Since the 1960's in America, birth control has been a basic part of sex education. But, in these 40 years American society has also seen a rise the rates of divorce, youth abortions and sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS). The very notion of the family is under serious pressure.  These statistics indicate that the sex education in these years has been a failure.  American society has paid an agonizing price. Taiwan's society often follows models from America." As she looks at the young people of Taiwan currently enmeshed in sexual sin, Ms. Thompson feels sad.

   She asserts, "If we look straight at premarital sexual intercourse, we can see at it injures sex. Condoms are promoted to Taiwan's young people as the way to prevent AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, but the only way to be absolutely sure is to look at one's options and make the wise choice to say NO to premarital sex."  Ms. Thompson said that as young people grow, their parents can use frank and accepting ways of sharing to guide their children in understanding of sex, intimacy and attitudes.

   She says the alternative is to see what the current society is teaching children. As far as waiting for marriage before beginning active sexual intercourse, the message has been to give in to one's cravings and biological needs.  Sowing wild oats is considered normal.  "Waiting." she says, " is physically and mentally healthy."

   Ms Thompson and three medical professionals met with Taiwan's president Chen Shui-bian on June 18th.  They encouraged him to advocate inclusion of abstinence education in the nation's curriculum for youth.  Sex education is foundational to an attitude of respect for life.  President Chen pledged to strengthen the government's efforts in this direction.
